Mortgage Equity Partners’
Reverse Mortgages
Is a Reverse Mortgage good for you?
A reverse mortgage can be a smart, safe & secure way to unlock your homes equity and secure long-term freedom!
Here you will learn:
- What is a reverse mortgage?
- How do I know if I am eligible?
- What can I do with a reverse mortgage?
- How am I protected with a reverse mortgage?

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What is a reverse mortgage?
A reverse mortgage is a loan for older homeowners that converts your home equity into cash. The unique benefit is that you don’t need to pay it back month after month, interest and fees are added to the loan balance over time all you have to do is pay your property taxes, insurance and uphold the terms of the loan.*
You can live in your home without a monthly mortgage payment until you permanently leave the property and that is when the loan payment becomes due and is repaid.
How do I know if I am eligible?
- You must be at least 62 years old living in the home as a primary residence
- You must have sufficient home equity
- You must participate in an independent educational counseling session held by an approved HUD counselor
What can I do with a reverse mortgage?
- Pay off your current home and eliminate your mortgage payments*
- Supplement your retirement income with tax- free funds**
- Fund home improvement projects
- Cover medical or long-term care needs
- Establish a line of credit to offset any future expenses
- Fulfill your travel dreams!
How am I protected with a reverse mortgage?
Reverse mortgages are non-recourse loans, meaning you or your heirs will not be responsible for more than what the home is worth. Your home still belongs to you, and you will not lose your home if you stay current on the terms of the loan!*
About Keith Murray
Keith Murray
Branch Manager/Loan Officer
MLO# 161747
Cell: 603.321.5765
Email: kmurray@meploans.com
Keith Murray is a branch manager and senior loan officer with over 20 years of experience working with people on their mortgages and partnering with some great real estate and financial professionals. He specializes in first-time homebuyers, reverse mortgages/home equity conversion mortgages, Veterans loans, FHA, USDA, and down payment assistance programs through New Hampshire Housing and others. He is licensed in NH, ME, VT, MA, and FL.
Contact: Mortgage Equity Partners LLC, NMLS #1936, 220 Broadway, Suite 205 Lynnfield MA 877-866-4511 to learn more about our mortgage products and your eligibility for such products. This is not an offer of credit or commitment to lend. Loans are subject to borrower and property qualification. Rates and fees are subject to change without notice. APR means Annual Percentage Rate. Mortgage Equity Partners complies with Section 12 CFR 1026.2 et al. and Section 8 of RESPA and does not offer marketing services in exchange for referrals or the expectation of referrals. *The borrower must meet all loan obligations including living in the property as the principal residence and pay property taxes, fees and hazard insurance. The borrower must maintain the home. If the borrower does not meet these loan obligations, then the loan will need to be repaid. **Not tax advice, please consult a tax professional.